Artist Statement

Since birth, we are immediately taught what to think, how to behave, what is right and wrong, and which path to take to bring us the most success. We are shaped by the people around us, our communities, societies, and the generational patterns that come with them. Not often enough, are we taught to listen to our own instincts, intuition and inner compass. 

The first painting I ever did was when I was 9 years old. I remember sitting in my Aunt’s art studio and feeling overwhelmed with joy and excitement as I put paint to canvas. Since then, I was always taking art classes where I could or experimenting with crafts in my basement. Over the years, It was eventually made clear to me that Art wasn’t a realistic career path and instead, it was better used as a hobby. 

In the spring of 2019, I was going through a transitional period in my life. I was extremely unclear with who I was and what I wanted to be. It felt like I was battling an internal tug of war. My truth at one end and the expectations of society at the other. The only thing I knew to do was to surrender the fight and pay attention to those silent whispers telling me to get back to what I loved most - creating. 

Samantha Jean Art was created to free my heArt.

I have an unrelenting passion for creating. It’s my therapy and my way of opening my heart to the world. When I paint, It’s almost like I’m following a direct path to my most true and honest self. It allows me to express myself without judgement and makes me feel free.

Painting brings me out of my human body and spreads me back into the universe.

My work is a reflection of my commitment to continue to go after whatever it is that I feel inspired to explore more deeply in my life. 

I hope I can inspire others to do the same - to free their hearts and lead their own lives.


If you'd like to discover more about my heArt, click here to follow me on Instagram!